Judgment First, Then Facts
Copyright © by Len Holman, 6/9/14
U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has been released from Taliban captivity
and returned to U.S. custody after more than five years as a POW. A cause
for celebration? A time of happiness and relief? Yes, for his
parents. No, for just about everyone else. There seems to be two
opposing themes for America here: 1) We never leave one of our fighting
men or women behind, and 2) we don’t bargain with terrorists. The rap
against Bergdahl is that he seems to have just walked away from his post, no
explanations, no notes, no forensics (hey, in real life the easy,
The deal for his release has been in the works for several years,
complete with consultations with members of Congress, who now are outraged and
shocked, shocked, that five “hard core” Taliban members were sent to
Qatar under some very expansive definition of house arrest (Qatar is just a
camel’s spit from all the really cool terror HQs in the region). Senator
McCain, who admitted to Anderson Cooper that he would probably go for a prisoner
swap, now is apoplectic that such a swap has taken place. And he’s not
the only one: run off the names of the headliners of the Party of Nope and
you’ll hear the same thing—that Bergdahl is a deserter, a traitor and that
(I guess by a logical extension of this kind of thinking) he shouldn’t have
been traded for anyone in Gitmo. We have done business with terrorists
(remember Iran-Contra? And THAT involved weapons).
The rush to
condemnation of Bergdahl and Obama is quick and fierce enough to register a 4 on
the scale we use to measure tornados. Oliver North wrote “I know a
ransom of $5-6 million was paid to free Bergdahl.” How Ollie knows this
goes unexplained, but the paying of ransom is a time-honored exercise and, by
itself, is not automatically a cause for abandoning a soldier. There is also the
charge, as yet unproven, and for which there is presently no firm foundation,
that at least one, and maybe several, soldiers lost their lives looking for him. Remember,
this was in 2009, in a part of Afghanistan where sneaky terror-types were
constantly firing on U.S. soldiers and their outposts, and reports of lives lost
may have been in connection to regular patrols unconnected to Bergdahl. This
story carries an emotional punch, if true, since a mom or dad can ask, “Is
this wandering traitor worth the life of my son?”
There is the
outcry from Congress that Obama broke the law by not informing them—but of
course he did, as this deal has been making the rounds for a while. What
seems to piss off our legislators is that the President did what he said
he wanted to do. He claims Bergdahl was in ill health, and now
there is the revelation that the soldier’s life was threatened if word of the
impending exchange were to leak out. Not that Obama doesn’t trust
congress or staffers or anyone to “accidentally” spill the hummus, but
still, keeping all the details more or less secret couldn’t hurt. The
President issued a signing statement, which isn’t law, but gives him an out of
sorts, citing “exigent circumstances” if things went south, and south they
went as the claim was made that Bergdahl’s health was not good, and that there
was an opening from the Taliban to get the deal done. The 17-minute video
of Bergdahl being taken by Special Forces people to a waiting Blackhawk is being
cited as a propaganda coup for the Taliban. It purports to show them on
somewhat equal footing with the U.S., being treated with respect, etc.
This video will be shown all over the Arab world and beyond, and will be a great
recruiting tool—not, apparently, that they need it.
So just watch a little news or read some, and you will see that, while the man is still in a hospital in Germany, opinions are setting just as fast as strawberry Jell-o in the freezer. What is happening is what always seems to happen in this democracy: condemnation or opprobrium, with no facts actually needed. Meanwhile, the planned celebration for Bergdahl’s return to his hometown in rural Hailey, Idaho has been canceled, with the FBI reporting that his family has received death threats, while the jaundiced eyes of the chattering classes squint disapprovingly at the family and anyone else who speaks with even a hint of fondness or approval of Bergdahl. I’m sure his mom and dad are so-o-o proud of America. And that rule about not dealing with terrorists? Yeah, just a rule. Not a Divine Mandate or a law of physics, even Nixon going to China and having drinks with Mao and the lads. Just a rule which is man-made, and amenable to being bent in a bent world. So let’s wait for some hard info and try to tune out the hired-gun commentators who have agendas. Let’s wait for Bergdahl to speak, THEN we can make some kind of rational decision on what comes next.
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