of Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall, by Kazuo Ishiguro
© by Jessica Schneider, 2/28/10
It is always depressing to see a great writer coast on his fame, whether
it be from lack of trying, or just having lost it. Kazuo Ishiguro is the author
of two great novels: The Remains of the Day and An Artist of the
Floating World. Some of his earlier and later works show some potential, and
contain some great moments in them, but he has not quite captured the consistent
greatness of those two works in any of his other books. And that goes for this
collection of stories titled Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall,
which would not have gotten published were it not for his built in fame.
is not that this book is bad or that any of these stories are, in particular,
bad. But none of them are really all that good either. For one thing, it is
clear that Ishiguro is not a master of the short story form, since many of these
tales are just too long and full of dull moments and mediocre dialogue
exchanges. There is very little insight throughout, and really, while reading, I
got the sense that he was just writing words to write words. The endings of the
tales are mostly flaccid, and each tale is told in the first person. One would
think that amid a collection, a writer would attempt a different form, or at
least play around with different points of view, lest result in the text
sounding monotonous, which it does. It is possible that some of these tales
would have been better if expanded to the novel form, for then at least he might
have had the opportunity to develop the characters better. Short stories should
be distilled to pointed moments, and it is the job of the writer to illustrate
these moments well. Just think of the best stories by Raymond Carver, Richard
Ford, Irwin Shaw or Anton Chekhov. All of these writers have at one time written
great short stories. Yet for Ishiguro, at least in this collection, he doesn’t
even come close to those names listed.
All these tales involve musicians and their privileged, upper crust
lives. None of the characters are particularly deep or compelling, and instead
they are shallow and self-centered. People are dissatisfied with their lives and
marriages, and believe that more ephemeral things will make them happy, such as
taking on a younger lover or having plastic surgery. While there have been many
short stories presenting the lives of losers quite well (think Raymond Carver or
Richard Yates), Ishiguro’s characters come across as unsympathetic and not
worthy of concern. In reality, these people’s problems are not really
problems, but instead the results of their own mediocre choices in life.
the Woody Allen film, Interiors, one of the central characters is a woman
named Joey who does not have any artistic talent, yet has some “need to
express something.” In the arts, you will find far more Joeys than real
artists, and many of the characters in this book are Joeys, for even those that
the narrator claims to have real talent, one is never really sure, since the
narrators are very often self-pitying and shallow themselves. Ultimately, Nocturnes:
Five Stories of Music and Nightfall is both underwhelming and full of
despond (but not in the way that earns your empathy).
After reading, I just have to wonder if this is what most people think
being an artist is like. One would think there would be more passion for the
actual subject at hand—that is, music, rather than always focusing on
neuroses. For despite having much dialogue, the book lacks any deeper,
philosophical discussions among the characters. At least when Woody Allen is
writing about these privileged, upper crust types in Interiors, he
exposes the characters’ own faux intellectualism and pretension via way of
having them engage in some deeper discussions on art. Imagine reading a book
about filmmakers who never really discuss film on a deeper level, but instead
merely toss in a reference or name here or there. The most that is made of these
kinds of discussions within Nocturnes is merely a passing reference of a
particular music or singer. Hell, at least in Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus,
while not a great film, there are moments where Salieri
illuminates what makes Mozart’s music great, and at least within the context
of the film, the Salieri character is passionate about music and art, even
though it is ultimately his own envy that hurts him.
The point
is, if one is going to write a book about artists, what better platform is there
to engage in deeper conversations among characters, or allow for deeper
rumination and observation than in a book with artists about artists? Overall, Nocturnes:
Five Stories of Music and Nightfall, lacks much of the highs from
Ishiguro’s great novels, and the tales leave one feeling deflated. It is a
decent collection, but not up to the standard of typical Ishiguro. Here’s to
hoping he writes another great novel, and fast.
[An expurgated version of this
article originally appeared on the Blogcritics
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