Cosmoetica: The oldest and most popular non-commercial arts site online!



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Over 1,009 Million Visitors Since 1/9/01


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The Dan Schneider Video Interviews


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 Taking Interviews To The Next Level!

Watch interviews from Award winning artists,

writers, thinkers, and citizens of note! 


Featured Interview >>>>>



Dr Joe Shrand


Videos also appearing at

Cosmoetica's Youtube ChannelCosmoetica's Educational ChannelDan Schneider's Cosmoetica Vimeo, Cosmoetica on Daily Motion, Twitter and Facebook



Dan Schneider being interviewed by others online:


We Said, They Said podcast on Sight & Sound Film List


We Said, They Said on poet Bruce Ario


Destin Davis's Q&A with the Benton Courier




Tommy Kovac interviews Dan Schneider





Newly released!



Selected Poems 1999-2009



By Jessica Schneider



"Each poem exists as its own essence, its own song, even if for only a glimpse—offering that momentary something."




Latest Dan Schneider Video Interview

Why The White Shadow Is Great





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Ask Dan Schneider


After years of being flooded with questions and requests from Cosmoetica fans, finally there is a way for Dan Schneider to respond to the many questions emailed to him every week (about 2000 per week).


Feel free to email Dan Schneider a question on art, life, or Cosmoetica and its family of websites and video channels, or maybe even send a question in video format and it might appear online (email first for instructions on how to properly send a video question). The sending of such a video question is also the giving of consent for it to be used and posted.

Feature Attractions

 Highlighting important, excellent, and cogent essays, fiction, and poetry 


Dan Schneider Writes A Great Sonnet

(in real time: Ed Gein Becoming)









Arts & Life with

Dan Schneider







American TV 

With Mitchell Hadley: 

TV Guide








The Dan Schneider Interviews

 The Most Widely Read Interview Series In Internet History!


Poet James Emanuel

Journalist Pete Hamill

Philosopher Mark Rowlands

Documentarian Matthew Pellowski

Psychologist Steven Pinker




The pioneering classic of Internet Radio is back after over a decade off air.


180 Degrees South



Happy People: A Year in the Taiga



Chariots Of The Gods



Dr. No


Dan Schneider On



As If A Promontorie




Copyright ©2001-2024 by Dan Schneider