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If you want to contact Dan Schneider, Jessica Schneider, or any of the other Cosmoetica contributors about the site, drop a line to cosmoetica - at- gmail- dot- com. All emails with attachments will be deleted unread, and any threats- personal or legal- will immediately be reported to the authorities. Harassment will be reported to the authorities if of a threatening nature. All contacts, emails, and submissions- electronic, print, or postal, become the intellectual property of Cosmoetica, which is free to do with them as it sees fit, for all contacts, emails, and submissions to Cosmoetica grant a non-exclusive license to forward or post online any contact, emails or submissions in perpetuity; subject to editing for clarity, satire, readability, logic, or any other reason Cosmoetica deems necessary for posting and/or publication on the website. So do all harassments, pointless rants, and curses, which may become the subject of mockery and/or satire via Cosmoetica's email list, and can be posted online at any time. By contacting, emailing, or submitting material(s) to Cosmoetica, copyrighted or not, and any or all persons and/or email addresses associated with the website, the contacter/submitter/respondent waives all rights to claims of damages (personal or financial) or remuneration against Cosmoetica for any embarrassment or regrets suffered because of the rights the website exercises in posting contacts, emails, and/or submissions, now, or in perpetuity, in any medium, online or not- this includes reuses, repostings, and reprints. Emails, by their nature, carry no expectation of privacy, may be reprinted in full or part- at the discretion of the website, and Cosmoetica will not allow people to hide their stupidity, nastiness, nor bigotry behind such. In short, if you are not willing to stand behind a statement that may be forever online, don't email it here. Cosmoetica reserves the right to use any email sent as an example of the asininity of most people. Only provable claims of libel and/or plagiarism are grounds for the removal of material from Cosmoetica. Due to the high volume of traffic and emails Cosmoetica receives (an average week includes 15-1600 queries, submissions, and assorted contacts, not including 3-4 times as many spam emails) it is not likely a reply to every email and/or submission will be granted, so if one is given, appreciate that it is likely because the email had some positive quality 99% of the others lacked. Posted works on Cosmoetica represent the opinions and copyright, solely of the attributed writers, and not necessarily those of Cosmoetica, although the intellectual property rights may belong to Cosmoetica, as well as the writers. All spam and promotional emails received are sent information on Cosmoetica. Ask and you will be removed from further emailings, provided you remove Cosmoetica from your emailing lists.
US Copyright Code Sec. 107. - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. ***This section of the code protects satire, criticism, & alot of other opinings! DAN Dan Schneider Vs. The Rest Of the World, 1999 City ages Article, via The Wayback Machine Roger Ebert praises Dan Schneider's Film Criticism and Website: Ebert calls Dan Schneider 'a considerable critic....'' that Dan Schneider (in regards to Ebert's writings) 'may well be correct in some aspects. What his analysis gives me is a renewed respect and curiosity about his own work....'; he states, 'Dan Schneider is observant, smart, and makes every effort to be fair.' He states, 'I conclude he is more analytical and less visceral that I am,' Ebert ends his praise, stating, 'What is remarkable about these many words is that Schneider keeps an open mind, approaches each film afresh, and doesn't always repeat the same judgments. An ideal critic tries to start over again with every review.' -12/9/09, from 'Who do you read? Good Roger or Bad Roger?', by Roger Ebert On 9/17/10, Roger Ebert tweeted, 'The Online Film Critics Society is nuts if they think Dan Schneider doesn't qualify.' Cosmoetica noted in the New York Times: 'Cosmoetica (www.cosmoetica.com): As a poet, Dan Schneider is, by his own humble admission, ''better than Walt Whitman.'' In between writing the poems that will make him immortal, however -- and he's apparently got more than 10,000 of them -- Schneider has found time to offer a few helpful criticisms regarding his fellow poets and reviewers. If you were looking for someone willing to call T. S. Eliot ''1 of the most grossly overrated writers in the history of the world, & the English language,'' Schneider is your man. His site includes similarly jolly commentary on a large number of contemporary writers.'- 10/3/04, from ' The Widening Web Of Digital Lit', by David Orr The Dan Schneider Interview: Dan Schneider Critical Mass Interview: Dan Schneider Dan Schneider's page at The Lifeboat Foundation James Emanuel Interview (Nebraska Public Radio- with commentary by Dan Schneider) Online Streaming Audio Interview Of Dan Schneider Review of the Uptown Poetry Group Dan Schneider's entry at Nationmaster.com, an online encycopedia Cinemension Blog page: http://www.cinemension.blogspot.com/ Dan Schneider's Culture Wars Page: http://www.culturewars.org.uk/index.php/site/contributor/dan_schneider/ Dan Schneider's Blogcritics Page: http://blogcritics.org/writer/dan_schneider Dan's Examiner page: http://www.examiner.com/x-19688-Criterion-Collection-and-Classic-DVD-Examiner Dan Schneider's Rotten Tomatoes' Page: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/author/author-12144/ Dan Schneider's blurb for Robert Grudin's book Design And Truth: http://yalepress.yale.edu/ ARTISTIC BACKGROUND
I am an internationally published poet and syndicated essayist with dozens of published credits. I have participated in many local and national reading and writing programs, as well as contributing time & money to arts organizations.
· Participated in over 2000 poetry and arts-related events through the years.
· Founded and organized many arts events, including proposal- and grant-writing and submissions.
· Film reviews linked on Rotten Tomatoes and MRQE (Movie Review Query Engine) film websites. · Works published in Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Cambridge University Press, Discover Magazine, Talking Points Memo, Monsters And Critics, La Prensa, City Pages, the UCLA Journal of the American Indian (now American Indian Cultural and Research Journal), Nimrod, Sentence, Argestes, Midwest Book Review, storySouth, Jacaranda Review, Chiron Review, Main Street Rag, Neo-Victorian, Curbside Review, Piedmont Journal, Taj Mahal Review, Unlikelystories.org, Dublin Quarterly, The Simon, The Moderate Voice, Subtle Tea, Boston.com, Cleveland.com, Houston Literary Review, Poligazette, They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?, Culture Vulture, Retort, Unlikely 2.0, New York Review, Yet Another Book Review, Obsessed With Film, Cinescene, Cinephilia, DVD Outsider, Poligazette, Feel The Word, A Voice For Men, and others. · Regular Contributor: Blogcritics, No Ripcord, Hackwriters.com, LauraHird.com, Alternative Film Guide, Culture Wars, Talking Pictures, The Critical Critics, The Spinning Image, Open Salon.
· Appeared on numerous TV and radio programs.
· Online presence includes listings on websites of Academy of American Poets, Who’s Who, and Google.
· 1988-1990- co-hosted poetry series at West Side YMCA in Manhattan.
· 1989- organized Alliance Of Queens Artists summer poetry reading series.
· 1994- a featured poet on Poetic Marmalade tv show.
· 1995-2003- founded Uptown Poetry Group, a critique group that met bimonthly in the Uptown area of Minneapolis, MN 200 consecutive times.
· 1997-1998- organizer and curator of the Poetry & Performance Art Series of the annual Stone Arch Festival Of The Arts, in Northeast Minneapolis, at the Saint Anthony Main complex.
· 1997- founded THE LIST Of Artists, a multi-disciplinary directory of Twin Cities area artists.
· 1998- featured artist on an episode of Gallery 7 tv show.
· 1998- focus of article in Pre-Raphaelite Review.
· 1999- was cover story of Twin Cities tabloid City Pages’ literature edition, which drew enormous response.
· 2000- organized a Poetry Forum on what constitutes great poetry.
· 2001- founded Cosmoetica, the largest non-commercial and unaffiliated poetry and literature website on the Internet. Cosmoetica has been consistently in the top top 10,000 rankings of Ranking.com.
· 2003- founded and co-hosted with Arthur Durkee a 12-program season of Omniversica- an Internet radio show on Sursumcorda.com. Guests included poet James Emanuel, scientist Lynn Margulis, writer Dorion Sagan, actor/writer George Dickerson, filmmaker Josh Becker, astronomer Fiorella Terenzi, parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove, author Leonard Shlain, filmmaker Godfrey Reggio, and author Howard Bloom.
· 2003- subject of articles in Quarterly Literary Review Singapore and Web Del Sol.
· 2003- co-hosted and produced cable tv special on poet Walt Whitman.
· 2004- Cosmoetica profiled in 10/3/04 New York Times Article The Widening Web of Digital Lit.
· 2006- featured in journal StorySouth. Cosmoetica a Time magazine Coolest Website Of The Year nominee, March. Short story Beyond Amber nominated for Million Writers Award, March. · 2006- interviewed by Avishay Artsy for Nebraska Public Radio. · 2007- film critic for Blogcritics, Books Editor (with wife Jessica Schneider) for Monsters And Critics. Co-founded The M&C Interview series of discussions with the best contemporary authors. Started the Dan Schneider Interview series at Cosmoetica. · 2008- official reviewer for new The Criterion Collection DVD pre-releases. Extensive critical quotation in Contemporary Fiction: The Novel Since 1990, edited by Pamela Bickley, and published by Cambridge University Press, in regards to book review of Zadie Smith's novel White Teeth. · 2009- accredited member of IFCS (Internet Film Critic Society), hired as National Criterion Collection and Classic Film Examiner for Examiner.com. Interviewed by Only Good Movies for Critical Mass series. Praised by fellow film critic, Roger Ebert, on Roger Ebert's blog, as an 'ideal critic.' 12/9/09 · 2010- contributor for Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Culture Wars, The Critical Critics, Open Salon, The Spinning Image, and Talking Pictures film sites. Dan Schneider's analysis is referenced in the PBS series POV's brochure (p.26) on The Up Series. · 2011- blurb for Robert Grudin's book Design And Truth used by Yale University Press's paperback edition. Cosmoetica recommended on page 192 of On Writing Poetry, by Al Rocheleau, Shantih Press, © 2010, published 2011 · 2012- published in Shadowlands, book blurb for Howard Bloom's The God Problem; asked to join The Lifeboat Foundation as an advisor on the Media & Arts Board and The Sustainability Board. Resigned from The Lifeboat Foundation over their inaction. Poems published in Serbian magazines Lipar and Krajina. Hit 300 million visitors to Cosmoetica. · 2012-present- 100+ plays, novels, short stories written and/or published POETRY CREDITS
Jacaranda Review; Caribou Review, Chiron Review, Piedmont Journal, Ragshock; Spout; Poems That Thump/Second Glance; Neo-Victorian/Cochlea, Poetry Motel; Green Hills Literary Lantern; Second Glance; Golden Apple; The Santa Fe Sun; Sherman Asher Press; New Digressions; Neo-Victorian/Cochlea; The Slate, Sunday Suitor; Tucumcari Literary Review; Papyrus; Dam Good; South Ash Press; UCLA Journal Of The American Indian (now American Indian Cultural and Research Journal); Barefoot Grass Journal; Nimrod, Smashing Icons; Sentence; La Prensa (San Salvador), Ariel (Canada); Venerable Seed; Voices From The Well; Arctos Press (Bears); Constal; Fresh Ground; City Pages, Feelings Of The Heart; Argestes; Curbside Review, Maryland Review; Eureka, Black Water Journal; High Plains Review, Oberon Review, Unlikely Stories, Pacific Review; Wisconsin Academic Review, Main Street Rag; Steam Ticket; Interpoetry; Scrivener Creative Review, Taj Mahal Review, Tertullia Magazine, Shadowlands, and others PHILOSOPHICAL DISPOSITION
Through the years I have striven to create ways for people to communicate and discourse more effectively via the arts- which are the essence of communication, with poetry being the highest of arts. Unlike most artists, I have never replaced the primary goal of creating great art with the temporal goals of political, religious, nor philosophical action. While art (communication) is the conveyance of ideas and information, it is also- paradoxically- an end unto itself. This realization has enabled me to achieve excellence in my fields. My art is apolitical, irreligious, and aphilosophical. Put simply: when it comes to art I walk the walk, whereas the vast majority of others merely talk the talk.
Poetry- 5+
The 49 Gallery Omnisonnets 1-8 Le Bestiare 1-3 American Sonnets Holy Sonnets and many more
Memoirs- 6
True Life 1-4 Show & Tell: A White Man's Antiphonal Primer On Race The Company Stories
Nonfiction- 1
Five Film Masters: Thoughts On Antonioni, Bergman, Fellini, Herzog, And Ozu, Into The 21st Century
Collections- 9
Selected Short Stories More Selected Short Stories Selected Longer Fiction Selected Memoirs Selected Early Essays Selected Reviews Selected Prose Selected Later Essays Selected Longer Poems
Short Story Collections- 12
21 Conversations 21 More Conversations American Lace American Embroidery Tales Of Notice Domesticities In Eleven Cities Ugly Girls Thirteen Ways Of Selling The Self A Little Book Of Dyings Summer In A Dozen Days This Human Animal I, Imperial
Novels Of Place- 5
Monarchs Of New York Newtown The Compass Rose Sabbath Scenes From A City '64'
Novels- 21
The Trial Of Horacio Guzman Tumbleweeds The Enkidiad Bit Of Golem Onely Helena Quinn Malley The Vincetti Brothers A Kids Book The Scorpion Swam A Norwegian In The Family Valley Of Red Shadows The Super 7 The Edge Of The Shone The Custodian's Bitch Noirchid Levels The Grand & The Glorious Baby & Buddy Center Of Mass Paths Of An Other The System Plays- 107 First Folio (37) The Thing After Death If God Were Alive Big Al's Gina Exteriors A Persuasion Gentler Features Maybe After He's Gone Brief Candles The Second Woman Janey Fitz A Matter Of Propinquity Beechwood Park These Lesser Weathers Of Beethoven Hung Up On A Dream A Woman Of No Consequence Theodore A Rose For Emily Madine Subject To The Same Obscurer Selvages The Honey Of Common Summer Eye Other Than Human Not Reached By The Frost Friends Of Mine This Living Hand She And Not The Sea Eyes Closed Misunderstanding A Remembered Field Their Visible Dimensions People, Without Souvenir Sapphire, Like This Of Carbohydrates And Amino Acids Janelle's Red Ya-Ya It Turns Out To Be Here The Medium Is This The Brute Material Peace Will Be Evil
Second Folio (27)
This Quintessence Of Dust One Autumnal Face Landon This Unalterable Animal Aught That Looks Like Death Another January 9th The Still Standing Domino The Drake Equation Lanas Tragedy And The Vast Genghis Khan And The Tangut Anemone Reasons, But Not The Reason Ogadai Khan And The Milt Of The Golden Horde Nothing Like Us Ever Was Dagger Which I See We Are Process How Much Room For Memory Kubla Khan And The Prester John Parallax Long And Long Ago Whispers Antiphonal As If A Promontorie Nor Honey And Milk Destiny Unperplexed Transhuman Things Unaccountable Loneliness Two Fools Infinite Consanguinity
Third Folio (36)
A Notch Of Eternity Of Men Elsewhere These Regalia, These Things The Night's Slow Poison The Mind, Never A Sad Bell Somewhere White Buffalo Only Was His Only These Studious Ghosts Long Night Of The Mind The Last Nostalgia Lo, Lord, Thou Ridest A Sophisticated Fire Nor Success Make Proud Such Impliant Clay Of Earth We Make Love In Its Shower Mark But This Across Wide Water A Dream Animal Yellow Evening A Shadow Among Shadows 106 Northwest A Grace Of His Own A Dozen Enclaves Of Enskyment A Fleshless Door A Snail's Eye Bent Toward Some Flashing The Pandora Of Her Mind A Man Of Confidence John Gneisenau Neihardt Speaks Porphyrios Meet The I The Way Of John The Magpie Egg 7 Boulders From The Mountain
Fourth Folio (7)
The Man Of A Mind Carthage, But Not Carthage To Be Alone In A Strange Place The Hawk That Picks Out The Star's Eyes Lay Me On An Anvil The Congregants Eves Of The Shadow (Man)
Editor (3)
THE Minneapolis Poet: Bruce Ario: Selected Poems, 1980-2022 Final Poems, by Bruce Ario Cityboy: A Novel: The Restoration Version Jessica Schneider's Arts Résumé In 2012, Jessica's story, Sandwiches From Home, was a featured selection of the 2012 Million Writers Award Anthology. Blog: Pandu's Season Examiner.com: http://www.examiner.com/x-15762-Austin-Cultural-Events-Examiner Jess's Associated Content Page: http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/450989/jessica_schneider.html Jess's Helium Page: http://www.helium.com/users/71200 Hear Jess on the Hirschfield & Kula radio show! (Segment 2)
Hear Jess on the BBC Richard Bacon radio show! (5/19/09)
Published in Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Published Essays/Fiction
Featured writer in online journal StorySouth, 2006, "Letters From Mercury" Short Story “Sandwiches From Home” Published in Pittsburgh Quarterly, Fall, 200
Short Story “The Security Of Shared Recipes” Published in StickYourNeckOut.com, Spring, 200
Short Story “The Myth And The Mountain” Published in Hackwriters, March, 2005
Short Story “Apoptosis” Published in UnlikelyStories, Summer, 2004
Short Story “O For Art’s Sake!” Published in Manifest, Spring, 2004
Essay on Women Writers/Chick Lit Published in Hackwriters, Winter, 2004
Published Poems
“Telling the Nightingales” in Sidereality, Summer, 2003
“September”, “Sister Ophelia” in Tryst, Summer, 2003
“Insomniac,” “Chia” in Voices, Spring, 2003
“Over Tree Roots, Wandering”, “Eleven A.M.” in Pierian Springs, Winter, 2002.
“Ruth” in Paumanok Review, Fall, 2002.
“Another Woman”, “Lawrence”, “Lunar Sonnet”, and “The Gesture of Seasons” in Stride Magazine, UK, Fall, 2002.
“In Rivers” in Ache Magazine, 1st Edition, 15,000 circulation in the Twin Cities area. August, 2002.
“Dustina”, “Labyrinth”, and “Orchid Abstract” in Eclectica, July, 2002.
“From the Box of the Zoo Fox”, “Of Una Jeffers”, and “Remanent Theory of Asteroids” in Avatar Review, Summer, 2001.
“And God Only Lets Me Live To Sang About It”, “Gala and the Cliff”, “In Time, Andree Rexroth”, “Una, Instead”, “Extension for Her” and other poems in Cosmoetica, Spring, 2001.
“Eleven AM” and “Wild Poppies” in Flash! Point, Summer, 1999.
Poetry- 1
Short Fiction- 6
Orchids & Afterthoughts This I You Ghost Continents Admissions & Uncertainties The Salt & The Storm Idiots & Morons
Novels- 20
Spectacles Real Plastic Rose Rise The Magicians Harlots & Starlets High Earth The Winky Tales The Architecture Of Loss Sum Of A Life Sounds With Song Comic Fantasia On A Loser Marlys Human Stuff His Imperial Skill Hirosawa The Inland Sea Trinketmaster Pandu's Season Sparrow Country The Vanishing Spider
Plays- 2
Les Fleurs D'Esprit Open Eight Days
Related Experience
Regular attendee of the Uptown Poetry Group, the longest running poetry group in the Twin Cities- October, 1999- October 2004. Books Editor for Monsters And Critics. Freelance book reviewer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, Blogcritics, and Popmatters. Contributor to Helium and Associate Content. Austin Cultural Events Examiner for Examiner.com. |