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www.Cosmoetica.com debuted 1/9/01   Hits Tally Last Updated: 01/09/24 07:12:52 AM

Page Hits Page Hits
Cosmoetica 1,009,321,004 Jessica Schneider 2,918,296,223
Len's Den  171,876,441 S&D Main 12,003,826,878
Archives 45,821,455,044 S&D Pages 27,023,469,787
Sonnets 5,553,007,333 Bylines Main 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 84,123,864,302
Le Bestiaré 2,468,850,532 Bylines Pages 157,786,423,513
Miscellaneous 2,879,005,775 TOP Main 4,499,112,862
Neglected Poets Pages 1,962,122,601 TOP Pages 12,545,755,044
Vers Magnifique 1,629,444,020 Omniversica Oral Main 3,486,678
Uptown Poetry Group 1,463,122,790 Omniversica Oral Pages 9,887,985
Schneider Fiction 4,021,065,669 Statistics 14,011,283,342
Schneider Online 1, 2, 3, 4 14,700,663,546 Poetry Links 3,597,665,553
Dan Schneider Interviews 3,225,862,954 True Life 1,699,532,483
DSI Pages 5,827,666,451 Cosmoetica Praise 1,888,788,002
Dan Schneider Video Interviews 778,803,503 Books 422,677,778
Extinct Pages 2,029,118,665 Good Faith, Stupidity, & The Internet 4,156,023,012
Cinemension debuted 10/20/06   Hits Tally Last Updated: 01/09/24 07:12:52 AM
Cinemension 4,898,756,053 Cinegenre 1,927,221,014
Cinealpha 2,336,440,733 Cineonline 1,267,865,874
Cinedirect 1,790,498,566 Cinecontact 913,553,204
Cinegreatfilms 1,755,441,222 Contact-Subs 6,754,223,185


As of 2023, and with increasing numbers of hits since inception, but lesser numbers since January of 2022 I will not be recording any of the individual page hits any longer- as I did from 2001 thru 2022; just those for the whole website, as the app for counting pages has reduced its functionality. 

From Jan 9/2022 to Jan 8/2023, a total of 623,788,459 hits were recorded in toto for Cosmoetica.com.

From Jan 9/2023 to Jan 8/2024, a total of 718,423,559 hits were recorded in toto for Cosmoetica.com.

All Time Most Hit Web Pages, Tuesday, January 09, 2024 07:12:52 AM

Cinegreatfilms, 6/12/08 1,755.4m

A Defense Of It's A Wonderful Life, 12/25/05 422.2m total

The Dan Schneider Interview 21: Lem Dobbs, 1/25/10 269.1m totalDVD Review Of The Up Series, 1/6/06 1.1m, first 4 weeks,  238.3m total

Conspiracies That Parallax: JFK’s Assassination & UFO Alien Abductions, 12/21/03 1.5 first two weeks, 2.5m first 6 weeks, 231.1m total

Thoughts On the Planet Of The Apes, 1/17/08  226.4m total

The Dan Schneider Interview 4: Steven Pinker  8/25/07, 4.8m 1st month, 188.7m total

The Prisoner's Dilemma Of Ambiguity, 3/3/02 350k first month, 184.3m total

Iraq, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, And The Couch Potato's Burden: A Muscular Centrist Attack On The Pro-War Position, 2/25/05 2.5m first week, 7.5m first 6 weeks, 169.9m total

A Not So Odd Couple Of TV Classics, 11/29/02 200k first week, 166.3m total

Campaign 2008: What Was And What Will Be, 6/5/08  11.8m, 1st 2 mos., 162.8m total

DVD Review of The World At War, 7/26/06  800k first month, 149.2m total

DVD Review of 49 Up, 12/31/06  144.8m total

The Dan Schneider Interview 8: Desmond Morris, 2/16/08, 142.1m total

The Anti-Spam Lies, 8/22/02 25k first week, 138.7m total

The Coming Centrist Obama Presidency, 11/5/08, 10.3m 1st 3 mos., 138.2m total

Nowhere Man, A Tribute, 7/1/05 150k first week, 137.7m total

DVD Review Of Babes In Toyland, 11/24/06, 3.1m 1st month, 136.2m

Review Of One Man's Wilderness, by Sam Keith and Richard Proenneke, 1/1/05 25k first week, 132.8m total

The Death Of Roger Ebert, 4/30/13, 128.4m

Review Of Mister Magoo’s Christmas Carol, 11/28/12, 123.9m

DVD Review Of Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, 12/22/07 121.3m total

Dishonesty vs. Stupidity: Exposing The Dumbing Down Of Culture by Hacks, Flaks, And Apparatchiks, 12/4/06, 3.8m 1st month, 115.5m

Plagiarism, Clichés, Influence, And Google,  9/3/06, 4.3m first month, 112.8.6m total

DVD Review Of Why We Fight, by Frank Capra, 5/18/06 112.8m total

Politics & Theory: Robinson Jeffers, & The Metric Fallacy, 4/7/01 108.8m total

Shakespeare, Stevens, & The Problem With Greatness, 8/23/01 107.9m total

The Dan Schneider Interview 27: Larry Sanger, 2/9/11 24.5m first 6 mos., 103m total

The Dan Schneider Interview 10: Brad Steiger, 4/8/08 100.5m

Review Of The Stuff Of Thought, by Steven Pinker 7/13/07, 1.6m 1st month, 98.9m total

DVD Review of Robot Monster, 1/26/08 98.2m total

Rape And Revisionism In Soap Operas, 12/11/12, 97.1m

Peaches, Tarpaper, & Stephen Jay Gould, 6/1/02 100k first month, 93.8m total

The Dan Schneider Interview 37: Howard Bloom, 8/20/12, 82.6m

The Jesus Myth, 12/30/03 1.4m first 5 weeks, 79.9m total

A DVD Review Of The God Who Wasn't There, 1/13/06 3.6 million, first 6 weeks, 77.7m total

Good Faith, Stupidity And The Internet, Part 1: The Failure Of Dialectic, 7/26/08  75.8m

The All-Too Familiar Arc Of Robert Bly, 2/5/01 74.9m total

An Unfortunate Addendum: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, And Racism In America, 11/27/05 600k first three weeks, 73.6m total

Oprah, We Media, Wikipedia, & Lowest Common Denominator Deliteracy, 2/2/06 72.3m total

Discursive Discontents, 1/8/05 1.1m first month,70.6m total

The Illusion Of Success: Jesus, DSL, & The Democratic Soul, 11/13/04 800k 1st 2 weeks, 69.7m total

Good Faith, Stupidity, And The Internet, Part 6: Cults Of Personality (Part 2), 7/2/12 69.1m

Americancer: The Silly Anxieties of Harold Bloom, 1/27/01 67.6m total

The Tug Of The Lowest Common Denominator: Wrestling, TV, Soaps, Psi, Pop Music, & More….1/23/02 300k first month, 64.4m total

Three Days At AWP, 3/12/06 63.15m

Dan Schneider: Neo-Nazi or Anti-Christ?, 7/22/05 200k first week, 62m total

The Atrophied American Imagination, 7/29/05 800k first week, 61.7m total

Pop Media, Cock-Smoking, & Perspective, 7/14/02  60.4m total

Good Faith, Stupidity, And The Internet, Part 4: Cults Of Personality (Part 1), 7/15/10 58.6m total


On American Poetry Criticism; & Other Dastardly –Isms, PART 5: The APR Hoax: How Hoaxers Expose The True Fraud Of Artistic Arbiters, 12/28/01 58m total


The Real Scandal At The Virginia Quarterly Review, 9/23/10  56.9m total

Review of Jesse James: Last Rebel Of The Civil War, 12/30/05, 55.6m total

Foetry.com, Chatrooms, & The Decline Of Discourse, 11/14/04 54.6m total

Good Faith, Stupidity, And The Internet, Part 3: The Persistence Of Idiocy, 10/30/09 54m total

Good Faith, Stupidity And The Internet, Part 2: Dean Esmay, Sociopathy, And The Wasted Blogosphere, 1/24/09  53m total

On American Poetry Criticism; & Other Dastardly –Isms: PART 9: Sharon Olds' Orifices & The Inculcation Of Tedium, 4/9/02 50.4m total

This Old Poem #9: Charles Bukowski’s My First Affair With That Older Woman, 7/20/02 50.5m total

Whoops....They Did It Again!: The Deceitful High School Cowards & Liars of Web Del Sol & Their Growing Embarrassment & Shame, 9/10/03 50.1m total

Objectivity, Subjectivity, And The Fallacy Of Self Limits In The Arts, 8/12/10, 48m

On American Poetry Criticism; & Other Dastardly –Isms, PART 1: BR Myers, The Atlantic Monthly, & Molotov Cocktails, 9/27/01 47.9m total

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