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Jessica is married to Dan Schneider. She has written poems since the age of 12 & has written some great poems.
Jessica's new blog: Pandu's Season Jessica Schneider's Poems: "And God Only Lets Me Live To Sang About It" Another Woman + translated into French by Jean Migrenne Extension For Her + translated into French by Jean Migrenne From the Box of the Zoo Fox Gala And The Cliff In The Tightness Of My Sonnet In Time, Andree Rexroth... + translated into French by Jean Migrenne Moth Lost In A Laboratory My Grandmother's Pearls Observation.... Orchids and everything since The Animals Lay Time Una, Instead Wild Poppies + translated into French by Jean Migrenne |
And God only lets me live to sang about it The twitch of BarB-Q hitchin the wind musta pulled us Through the high cotton, the boys seemed as hungry, much like I know mine did. It had been at least two hours or so kept on tellin me so. Couldnta stopped just anywheres like sumpthin Ize never seen!, Ol Chick useto say. to stop the buses or trains, the way those white gals can, is what I useto think when Pops sung to me In 39 I fell into ballads the way yall would fall stories to tell, sumpthin to live for. and we keeps on keepin on, till the good Lord takes us to live for.... Wes almost there. But I aint Just like the song say, From sea ta shinin sea. Every syllable I makes gits these boys Make babies. Ill git off once Im where I needs to git. southbound, to Memphis. My Ma useto tell me, ya needs ta git! Its been seventeen years since this trip began, Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nOqPRIOrNs&list=UUN5kTfj5u8XcTBg51Z65EKw Sophie Tolstoy
How awful to ache for old habits, habits that hook perfection once surrendered when wed.
A diary once again, begins me. Outside, a world slants backwards, far past January
windows, crossing slumbered hills, pale sheeted, a turn of body, awakening
the drowsed polar pavement. The bedding rises flat, uninhibited
snow. Sprays of frost taper ice cusps to houses, murmur, dull as diligence,
one-sided. And I am inside, watching. This is a good time to begin
without motion or mourning sickness, rapid blinkings made to break
the machine that warms and works, milks, knits, and walks without thinking,
without looking, when one is quiet at reading or cooking. But who am I
kidding. I am no writer. Just winter- less applause, heavy under the lost
thumb of enthusiasm. The stars, moon, sky, and sun all coincide.
Distractions yellowed with age, multitudes. Our children flock and come to think
One ought to have something else
to love as well. Thoughts I have,
and the means to contort them. So very happy, am I
with cleverness. Not by my own life grown tired with tenderness,
green with energy. Far from loveliness, I stand. Idle, not by nature, under the somber order:
I am only as slow as the world
allows me to be. I wish for meadows and noon, magnolia
abstractions that leave scent when they swelter. A crow fissures my wanting
on the tree, branches my skirt. Two boughs up, I defy attachments. Its veins have never felt
so contained. Patiently, I fear my children will forget
their mother if I begin to think this way, his way, in jealousy, loving more than myself.
I hear the worlds startled choir, bells affirming sanctity. Tomorrow Ill thank The Church
for my family. O, how I would love to believe in them! Tumultuous anchors
husky and brazen as unkept men, resonating homes, far-crested January seas that drench
small sleep, and bong features flat as watercolor.
Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider
A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug-_W8Qnnks&list=UUN5kTfj5u8XcTBg51Z65EKw
Sophie Tolstoï
Affreuse nostalgie dhabitudes passées au placard des perfections dune vie maritale.
Première page de mon journal, encore. Dehors, glisse à rebours dun monde loin des fenêtres
de janvier, par les monts assoupis, drapé de lin pâle, tournure, réveil-matin
dune rue polaire engourdie. Literie en haut-plateau de neiges
sans complexe. Givre en épis au faîte des maisons, routine ruminée,
parti pris. À labri, je regarde. Cest le bon moment pour commencer
à vaquer, sans vague à laube, papilloter, dégommer
la machine qui réchauffe, travaille, allaite, tricote et va sans penser
ni regarder, dans le silence, au livre ou au fourneau.
À dautres ! Je nécris pas. Mon hiver croule sous les marques
dun manque denthousiasme. Lune, étoiles, ciel et soleil, tout fait un.
Dérivatifs jaunis par le temps, les multitudes. Nos enfants affluent avec lidée
quil devrait y avoir quelque chose dautre à aimer, en plus. Mes pensées,
jai les moyens de les accommoder. Lintelligence
me fait tant plaisir. Mais pas ma vie, fanée de tendresse,
verte dénergie. Loin de la beauté, plantée là, immobile, non par nature, sous lordre chagrin,
je nai de lenteur que celle que me prête le monde. Je veux des prés à midi, des magnolias
de rêve, odorants dans leur profusion. Dans larbre, un corbeau déchire ma disette,
Les rameaux mon jupon. Deux branches plus haut, je nargue les amarres : ces veines-là jamais ne se sont senties si à létroit. Patiente, je crains que mes enfants noublient
leur mère si je me prends à penser ainsi, comme lui, jalousement, à aimer plus que moi-même.
Jentends le sursaut du monde en chur, le carillon de sainteté. Demain je rendrai grâce à lÉglise
pour les miens. Oh, comme jaimerais y croire ! Bronzes de rogomme, flibustiers,
tumulte sous les toits, écume et lointaines lames de janvier
fracassées sur le sommeil léger, traits écrasés en aquarelle. Translation Copyright © by Jean Migrenne Extension for Her Never before has one been so befuddled Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider Je cherche mon chat
Jamais auparavant ils ne m'ont tant saoulée, Translation Copyright © by Jean Migrenne From the Box of the Zoo Fox [HEAR THIS POEM READ ON OMNIVERSICA SHOW 8!] Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider [Reprinted from The Avatar Review] A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICSgkk3CuuA&list=UUN5kTfj5u8XcTBg51Z65EKw Gala and the Cliff
draft invades. Only which needs more? A fossiled,
Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoZqcpiBpJk&list=UUN5kTfj5u8XcTBg51Z65EKw In time, Andree Rexroth
Would life continues, ten thousand years from now,
Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Bja4ZunJVc&list=UUN5kTfj5u8XcTBg51Z65EKw À dix mille ans, Andrée Rexroth . · À Kenneth La vie, je la voudrais à dix mille ans d'ici Translation Copyright © by Jean Migrenne
A beauty circumvents that which beguiles. Do the eyes not soften upon the tile, Aside a wall, tilted wings, brazen, while Toward the cosmos, artificial light files In landing, where the dishroom is, docile, Textured wings, swift in horizontal style, Copyright © by Jessica Schneider A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcfZJSl56K8&list=UUN5kTfj5u8XcTBg51Z65EKw
Just after Christmas, is how I remember the cling of ChicagoId find it, when you leaned in to hug me, rearranging your stance to suit the gifts in each arm. I was eleven, and eyed every one.
In a few days, it will be 1987, Id thinkand how each time we stayed up and waited for it to arrive. That became the year Jackie Gleason died. It happened at the end of June, and then I saw you, that following December, as I always had. Then became another twenty plus two.
In 2009, just before they buried you, the afternoon pinched to a hush, graying under the press of cloud. My limbs defied the January cold, as I watched your being lowered into history.
I thought too, of many things, but mostly how they painted you without your smile, and for that I could not recognize this form as that of you.
Your daughtersmy auntsgave me a necklace of your pearls to wear at your wake, where I stood watching you, weakening was I, beneath such mortuary lights,
and at times I shook for the passage of what could not be deprived: my forever fingers fastening on your warm pearls, tugging still against restraint, my throat. Copyright © by Jessica Schneider A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhEvH1SbywI Observation, North America Over Twilight Orion A waning rain gathers in layers Two creatures, one gray, the other red, mostly speckled Which will chase the other out? When berries rot and beetles bury Copyright © by Jessica Schneider A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x34T2sEa_cA&list=UUN5kTfj5u8XcTBg51Z65EKw Perfection. And a field numerate, [square land] moving pictures. to clash detail inheritance. A petal symmetrical hearts, orchids and lilies vivid as remains lawns. A blaze sings Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider Small sea creature, such a range for size
and lower still, pharaohs once built structures as you-
within your life. How is it that the whales
their free, unrelenting bubbles, spin drifting
the dominant powers unseal ten thousand years.
Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EXvslqws8c&list=UUN5kTfj5u8XcTBg51Z65EKw Una, Instead Nothing outlasts this envy of the hawks, count on such things. Little or nothing takes Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider A video of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCPncjDXLk4&list=PLTwKY0XeFydOa78AujbXg-PAwhKLJbhvE Possibility pins to this
The untamed redness awaits,
[Click on the title to see the painting the poem is based on] Copyright Ó by Jessica Schneider Il a quelque chose L'éruption rouge attend, Translation Copyright © by Jean Migrenne Return to Poetry |