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Links To Poetry On Cosmoetica


Chin Jian Xiong's analyses of Dan Schneider's poems and prose




Poetry by Dan Schneider 



Le Bestiare


Miscellaneous Mss.


Skyline Poems


49 Gallery


American Imperium



Poetry Essays


This Old Poem


Seek & Destroy


Dan Schneider's American Sonnets In Serbian


Dan Schneider Translates Vladimir Jaglicic's Poetry From The Serbian

Poetry by Others

  Jessica Schneider


Uptown Poetry Group


Vers Magnifique


Neglected Poets

A-F  G-L  M-R  S-Z



Hall Of Shame



Quality Poets 


William Glass


Conrad Aiken


Nazim Hikmet


Gwendolen MacEwen


Margaret Walker

This Old Poem     Poetry     Contact/Submissions     Statistics     Jessica Schneider's Blog     Chubby Oscar